Military Mart Grading System-


Quality and Condition

Grade A+

Item is like new, if used at all. May have writing on the label.

Grade A

Item is issued/used, but in good or serviceable condition (may contain minor professional repairs)

Grade B

Item has more wear, and may need slight repair but is generally in good condition and value.

Grade C

Item may be Corroded and may have damage present.

At Military Mart, we take great pride in providing our customers with high-quality military surplus apparel and equipment. To ensure transparency and help you make informed purchasing decisions, we have implemented a simple yet effective grading system. This system categorises our products into four distinct grades: A+, A, B, and C, each representing a specific condition and level of wear.

Grade A+ - Like New with Possible Minimal Writing:

Items designated as Grade A+ are in exceptional condition, akin to new or barely used products. These items may have been issued but show no signs of wear or use. You can expect these products to be almost pristine, with minimal or no signs of previous use. In some cases, you might find minor writing on labels, which is a common occurrence when military personnel mark their equipment for identification purposes.

Listing for grade A+ smockGrade A+ smock

Grade A - Good or Serviceable Condition with Possible Minor Repairs:

Grade A items are still in good shape and maintain their functionality. While they may show some signs of use or wear, they are considered serviceable and can be relied upon for various military activities. These items might have undergone minor professional repairs to ensure they remain in operational condition. Rest assured, any repairs carried out by a team of experts ensure that the products meet our stringent quality standards.

Listing for Grade A tentGrade A dutch Army Tent

Grade B - Showing More Wear with Potential Minor Repairs:

As military gear ages and sees more use, it might fall into the Grade B category. Although these items have seen more wear than those in Grade A, they are still generally in good condition. However, Grade B products may require slight repairs to restore them to optimal functionality. 

Listing for grade B BootsGrade B boots

Grade C - Showing Signs of Corrosion and Damage:

Items assigned Grade C have experienced significant wear and tear during their service life. They may show more pronounced signs of corrosion and damage, and some components might require replacement or extensive repairs. While these items might not be suitable for active military use, they can still serve as valuable collectors' items, training aids, or be repurposed for non-military applications.


Our Commitment to Customer Satisfaction:

At Military Mart, customer satisfaction is at the forefront of everything we do. We recognize that transparency and accurate product descriptions are crucial to earning your trust. With our grading system, you can confidently browse our inventory, knowing that you will receive exactly what you expect. Whether you are a collector, history enthusiast, or outdoor professional, you can trust Military Mart to deliver products that meet your needs and expectations. Our commitment to quality assurance and customer satisfaction sets us apart as a reliable source for surplus military gear and equipment. Explore our extensive collection today, and discover top-notch products that align with your preferences and budget.

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